Tea temple on Kauzenberg hill

The tea temple (Teetempel) on Kauzenberg hill is what is left of a large romantic landscaped park which used to surround Kauzenburg castle and included the Schloßpark gardens. It was created by the von Recum family around 1820 before the spa quarter extended to the Nahe island. The family’s patriarch, Baron Andreas von Recum, was a French official when Kreuznach was part of Napoleon’s empire. In 1804, Napoleon himself visited the baron in Kreuznach.
Two paths lead to the tea temple. One starts from Nachtigallenweg by the Nahe and climbs up behind Hotel Quellenhof offering spectacular views of the spa quarter, most of the town and reaching as far as Rheinhessen. The other is a serpentine path leading up from the Schloßpark gardens to the Kauzenberg plateau. The tea temple is found at the end of this plateau.

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