Fishing in the Nahe River and Alsenz Stream

The natural banks of the Nahe and Alsenz rivers are an angler's paradise. Pike, carp, barbel, trout, nase, tench and catfish find a habitat here and delight the hearts of anglers.

Angling on the Nahe

The Nahe is a paradise for anglers.  The fishing area of the Bad Kreuznach district is characterised by high water quality and abundance of fish. On the one hand, the area stretches from the Salinental valley through the town to the Nahe meadows on the B 41. Anglers will find many picturesque spots and very different conditions there. All fishing rights are leased by the ASV 1860 Nahe association. In addition, the association looks after and maintains the fish stocks and issues fishing permits to guests within the framework of the legal conditions (certificate of competence). Equally attractive is the fishing area on the Nahe and Alzenz rivers in the area of Ebernburg and Bad Münster am Stein, which is maintained by the local angling club..

Blumen- und Angelgeschäft Stil und Blüte

Frau Wolter, Alzeyer Str. 67, 55543 Bad Kreuznach

Phone ++49 671 794 92 32

Opening hours

Montag - Freitag 8:30 – 13:00 + 14:00 – 18:00 Uhr

Samstag 8:00 – 13:00 Uhr

Tarife: Tag 8,-- €, Woche 25,-- €, Monat 50,-- €.

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